If You Want Change, Try Changing Your Circumstances

There’s the saying that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.” I have been thinking about the many New Year’s resolutions that I have made over the years and wondered why they weren’t achieved. The main reason is because I put so much pressure on myself instead of looking to change the circumstances that contribute to my poor decisions. As a self-identified stress eater, I realised that while eating cupcakes or ice-cream may feel good during that moment, the long term implications are far worse than the short term benefit. I had to take stock and ask myself what am I really doing to achieve my goals? Are my actions in line with my words? I have decided that I needed to be deliberate and get back to the habits that I know work for me. Nothing will happen over night but I know that through consistency and commitment, the work will pay off. As Jamie Kern Lima said “in life you don’t rise to what you believe is possible. You rise to what you believe you are worthy of.” I am realising that your mindset plays a huge part which is why words are so powerful. That said, your words and your willpower can only achieve so much. It is so important to establish a system that will support you in achieving your goals. That system can include accountability partners or daily routines that will steer you in the right direction. For me I have increased my water intake to at least two litres of water a day and have reduced my sugar intake significantly. So far, I have noticed that my snacking has decreased and my energy has increased. While I know that it is only 21 days (fact: it takes 21 days to develop a good habit or a bad habit) in the new year, I am hoping that by me sharing my journey with you that you know that it isn’t easy to push when temptations are everywhere, but if you do not change your circumstances then what change do you really expect to happen?

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


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