Founders’ Day Celebration

This past weekend I had so much fun celebrating Founders’ Day and 117 years of service of my sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. We painted Soho, London in pink and green and had a lovely two course meal at L’Escargot. The love was felt and as someone who has been living in London since 2008, I remember when there weren’t that many of us in London to celebrate Founders’ Day. Now we are shutting down restaurants. The main highlight for me was to have Soror Dianne Abbott, The Mother of the House of Parliament and the first black female elected member of parliament, join us for our Founders’ Day Celebration. As someone who read her book, I was so happy to tell her in person how her book was amazing and thanked her for all that she has done. She taught me that in order to navigate this thing called life you have to be determined, tenacious, authentic, and persistent. After a busy week at work, it was a great way to reflect on our sorority’s history and celebrate that the organisation continues to grow and impact our community. Am grateful to be a part of the Royal Pearl Society, an official interest group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and look forward to what lies ahead.

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


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