Enjoy The Little Things

Happy Saturday! While it is sunny everywhere else in Europe; it has been raining throughout the day in London. However, this did not stop me from going for a morning run, taking Chloe to a dance class, and having a play date with Chloe and some of her friends from pre-school. I decided that a little bit of rain should not stop me from leaving the house as long as there is no lightening or a severe thunderstorm. Honestly, I am glad that I ran outside because it was one my best runs. The rain kept me cool and I was able to run faster than I normally did. The experience reminded me about a book that I read by the late Dame Deborah James who wrote “how to live when you could be dead”. She wrote how she made an effort to enjoy the rain with one of her close friends. It made me think about the little things that I take for granted. As my birthday approaches later this month; I am making an effort to do the following:

  1. Enjoy the little things that we take for granted such as being able to wake up; go for a run; and feel the rain touch your skin.

  2. Spend time with my loved ones. As much as it is great to have an amazing career; I realise that in person meet ups and community are critical.

  3. Explore more. I want to explore the many museums and plays that London has to offer. As much as I love to travel; I also want to explore what my city has to offer.

So I hope that you have a great weekend and remember to enjoy the little things. Do not wait for the “big moment” to live.

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


What I Learned From Chloe


It’s Been A Long Time