Monday Mindset: Confidence

Happy Monday! I hope that you are feeling refreshed and ready to conquer this week. I had a busy weekend spending time with loved ones, running errands, and preparing for the work week. While scrolling through Instagram; I came across a quote from Deion Sanders. It stated “do not allow my confidence to offend your insecurity”. It is so important to believe in yourself. Anything that you set to achieve starts with you believing in yourself. Your thoughts will form how you dress, how you feel, and how you tackle your goals. So do not put too much weight on people’s thoughts because you do not know their struggles or insecurities. So as you tackle the week ahead wear your confidence with pride and embrace it.

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


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