Fifteen Years In London

I cannot believe that I have been living in London for 15 years! Time flies when you are having fun. I remember when I told my family and friends that I would only be here for a couple of years. Little did I know that I would become a British citizen, marry a British man, and buy a house in London. London is an amazing city and I am glad that I said yes to the one year fellowship to work at Goldman Sachs in Regulatory Reporting. I have grown personally and professionally and met so many amazing people along the way. Cheers to London and I look forward to the next adventure and where it may take my family and me.

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


One Month with No Sugar or Alcohol


World Mental Health Day