Art Tour Continues - Behind The Red Moon

One thing that I love about my daughter, Chloe, is that she is always open for a new adventure. Yesterday, we decided to head to Tate Modern to check out El Anatsui: Behind The Red Moon. El Anatsui is one of the most distinctive artists working today. He is best known for his cascading metallic sculptures constructed of thousands of recycled bottle tops and copper wire. He repurposes found materials into dazzling works of abstract art and explores themes including the environment, consumption, and trade. This exhibition was featured in the Turbine Hall. The Turbine Hall has hosted some of the world’s most memorable and acclaimed works of contemporary art.

Behind The Red Moon has three acts:

Act 1 - The Red Moon - resembles a majestic sail billowing out in the wind. It announces the beginning of a journey across the Atlantic Ocean. At the height of transatlantic trade in the 18th century, sailors would sometimes use the moon to guide their journeys.

Act 2 - The World - The sculpture in front of the Turbine Hall bridge is composed of multiple layers. They suggest a loose group of human figures suspended in the air in the state of movement. The group of restless forms might imply dispersion through the migration and movement of people across the globe, both forced and voluntary.

Act 3 - The Wall - In this final act, a monumental black wall stretches from floor to ceiling. Anatsui’s interest in walls is rooted in the ancient story of the earthen wall of Notsie (present day Togo). The wall might suggest an arrival at shore. For Anatsui, the use of black refers to the continent of Africa and its global diaspora, charged with the potential of homecoming and return.

Overall, it was an amazing exhibition. I am glad that I saw it before it ended on 14th April 2024. After checking out the exhibition, we went to Tate Play sponsored by Uniqlo where Chloe was able to make art.

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


Keep On Smiling


Art Tour Continues: Cute Exhibition