First Rose Goes To…

I do not know if it is because I am getting older but I am realising that it is so important to give people their roses while they are here. Too often; life takes over and all those times that we wanted to show our appreciation and let that person know how much he or she means to us; we missed that moment. The COVID pandemic showed me how quickly your circumstances can change. I want to thank my mom so much for staying with me in London for the first 10 weeks of my maternity leave. My mom went above and beyond to help me and my husband, Nev, adjust to the new norm of being parents. Having a child is a blessing but make no mistake it is a HUGE adjustment. You went from having full autonomy of your schedule to constantly thinking about a small person. Not to mention that postpartum is REAL. My mom always knows when I need her even if I do not tell her. Too many times she has swooped in from Miami to help me and Nev. So my first rose goes to my mom! Thank you for always being there for me, Nev, and Chloe. I love you!

My challenge is for you to give a rose (physical or virtual) to someone who has gone above and beyond for you. Do not wait for the special occasion; just do it now.

Renee Sterling

I make a living working in the City of London in banking. For fun I love to read, run, visit spas, and spend time with my family and friends. I believe that each of us holds power in our words and can be whatever we want to be so long as we make the commitment to work on it. I love to tell and share stories.


2023 Empower Role Model


Mindset is Key